Kali Linux on Android.

What's up everyone? Welcome to Check N Find. Today we are going to talk about how to set Kali Linux on android! You might be tired of searching it online huh? That's why I'm here to solve this problem for you.
First of all, we have to know what is Kali Linux? Well, Kali Linux is a kind of operating systems. This works with commands. It has a lot of facilities to install different kinds of scripts and do a lot of magical things. This operating system is mostly used by the advanced users and by the hackers! So, I hope that you have got enough information about Kali Linux for this Time.
If you are thinking to set up Kali Linux on your Android Device, you should keep in mind that your Device must be rooted before doing that. And if you don't know what is root and how to do that, you can check out my other post based on how to root.
Before getting started let's check out what do need during doing that stuff.

(Download Link Given)
So, That's all we need to set up Kali Linux on our lovely Android Device. Download all the file above. Now we are getting ready to start the process. Felling exited huh? So, without talking any more let's get started.
First of all download the Kali Linux file. It is a zip file. Make it unzip. After unzipping the file, it will look like this.
Now rename the first file and save it as Kali Linux.img. Now install the BusyBox app on your Android Device. Well, This time to install Linux Deploy app. After installing the app open it. Configure the setting like the images below.
You have noticed that I wanted your attention in one image. Well, why is that? That's because in that field you have to select the Kali Linux file from your SD Card. It means that write the name of your SD Card, folder name and the file name. Now press Back and click on the triple dot at the top right corner of your mobile screen. Hit upon configure. Now, wait until the configuration is finished. Then, click on the start button and wait until the process is finished. Follow the image below.
Once done, install and open the VNC Viewer. Find the + icon at the bottom right corner of your screen.  Now, you will find two input box. Don't worry, Type "localhost" in the first box and type "Kali Linux" then press Ok. Again an input box will ask for a password, input "toor" as password and click on the connect button. And yeah, You are now totally able to use Kali Linux on your Android Device.
It will look like the image below.

Thanks Everyone for reading the post. If you have any question just comment down below. I hope you have liked the post. If so, Please share the post just for a time and make me happy so that I could always post some more awesome articles.


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