How to create a sitemap for your WordPress website.

Hey all Checkers, once again welcome to CheckNFind. Hope you are all fine. So, today we are going to find out what is a sitemap and how to create a sitemap for your WordPress site. So without further talking, let's jump into our main topic.

First of all, we have to know what is a sitemap. Basically, a sitemap is a file that contains the list of all links, pages, photos, videos and other files of a particular website. This sitemap help search engines to understand the website totally. According to Google "sitemap is a file where you provide information about the pages, videos, and other files on your site, and the relationships between them"

Now, how will you be able to create a sitemap for your own website as easy as possible? Let's watch a video tutorial before we get confused about anything :)

If you still face any problem, you can keep reading the article. We have to follow these steps to create a sitemap for our WordPress site.
First of all, visit your WordPress site like Now, login to the admin area. Hover on plugins and click on Add new. Then search for a plugin named "All in one SEO pack" or you can download that directly from here. Install and activate that plugin.

Now let's click on feature manager of that plugin. This time to activate a feature called XML sitemap. Just click on activate on the part of the XML sitemap.
Now scroll down and press the "Update sitemap" Button. This time to check out if our sitemap has started or not. To check that just type /sitemap.xml after the main URL of the website. For example Now if you find a page that contains a list of links, that means that your sitemap has created successfully.
So, this was for today. Hope you have just learned something new in this article. If you face any problem during the whole process, feel free to ask me any question in the comment section. Cause I'll be there to help you.


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